hey so it's been a while anything was posted on here, as usual. sooo, here's a heckman update.life keeps on going and i keep on flowing...sometimes it seems like spring took forever to get here and other times i think Christmas was only a few days ago. well, like it or not in a few weeks summer will begin and we have a lot of craziness going on. good craziness, though! campouts, summer musicals, family activities, VBS, and trying to keep my house organized, clean and ready for friends and family to visit. staying in shape is also a goal, albeit one that hasn't worked too well recently. aerobics classes at the church died a slow death, so we are moving on to other plans - walking groups, perhaps. with my fancy new ipod and nike plus system, running is wickedly cool. our small group for our young adult ministry has gone well, we meet again in a few days and i have a few chapters of our book to read this weekend (pausing while i write this on my calendar). grant is preaching in morgantown this sunday so YAM will be led by a small group member, and i think we are watching a rob bell dvd. though i am not blind to the fact that their is disagreement among some christians regarding his theology and influence, i am appreciative of rob bell and his gifted teaching. i have never heard anyone drive a point home better than he - and velvet elvis should be on your summer reading list.last week was baby day, we had 20 babies represented - quite the boom for waynesburg naz. our future kid and youth programs are hereby established for the 2010's through 2020's. i drew jury selection duty for several days a week ago. it was rather crazy. the court case was a murder trial, so the selection process was laborious and long. i basically sat in a courtroom for 4 days reading books and watching office episodes on my new ipod (thanks mom!). i wasn't selected to be interviewed, and i doubt i would have made the jury anyways - being a kids pastor, they probably wouldn't have wanted me on a jury dealing with a child's murder. oh, and the jury they picked came back with a guilty verdict yesterday.grant got to attend the orange conference in atlanta and learn all about family ministry. fascinating and obvious statistic from the conference: kids spend only an average of 40 hours in church a year, and thousands of hours (i think it was 3000 but i'm not going to make it up) at home with their parents. who do you think has more influence? i'm really glad that churches like northpoint are leading the way to unite the family in church again.
my sisters are having babies. i get to be an aunt! baby boer is coming in july. gettin' pretty excited about that. might try for a heckman baby sometime in the coming year. baby heckman just doesn't have the same ring as baby boer, though. we'll need a synonym for baby that starts with H.i gave a speech yesterday at our local high school at the National Honor Society induction. pretty low-key, talked about the need for us to commit to a live of service and selflessness. being a public school, couldn't really play the God-card, but got pretty close to the line. i'm not really aware of anyone who is selfless on their own abilities without divine inspiration/sanctification, but just couldn't quite put it that way...but did get to use mother teresa as an example of selfless living. anyways, apparently it is just shocking to find someone who can read/write/speak english, since an attendee came up to me and with an awe-filled expression asked if i had been an english major. when i said no, he replied "well i teach at carnegie mellon university and i hear a lot of speeches and that one was fabulous, and i am just so impressed by your abilities!". i told him it was because my dad made us play "find the typo" at the dinner table when we were kids. thanks, dad.our puppy is growing up. recent email from mom regarding Leo: PS Did I tell you he chewed up a certificate Josh got last week for winning 2nd place in the Song Writing Competition at church? We think he got it off the kitchen table one morning after Dad went to work. No problem--Ken will get him another one...We think he was just mad that Josh didn't get the 1st place award...
PPS Leo is becoming quite good at chasing squirrels and since he is faster than Sam, he is getting a lot of respect from them and they are staying away more. He is also getting very good at catching the frisbee--we are thinking of entering him in some competitions...
So we are proud parents (well, not about the certificate chewing). i did observe the frisbee catching on a trip home recently and was impressed. didn't think he had the eye-paw-mouth coordination!
grant and i celebrated birthdays in march and april - we are a year older and hopefully a year wiser. quickly approaching the end of my 3rd decade in the world, which isn't as exciting as it sounds.
i think that's all. i planted a lot of bulbs and flowers this year in "our" garden and looking forward to them coming up. also getting excited for a summer musical theater group forming at church and the end of other regular activities. i love summer.
peace out, all! :-)