Tuesday, April 10, 2007

woke up on easter...

and thought it was christmas.

let me be clear here. i hate snow, winter and cold. i think snow is pretty for about 3 days and then i am so over it. i hate cold weather because my body is consistently set at about 60 degrees and i am ALWAYS shivering (as my husband can attest). do not be surprised when you find out i've migrated down south eventually. i will not survive old age with this frigid body :-). all of that to say...yes, it was cold. yes, i wore my white pants and white sandals in defiance of the weather. and yes, it was a glorious day celebrating our Risen Lord.

He is Risen...He is Risen Indeed! One of my favorite phrases of all time.

the crowd was down a bit at church, but we still packed out the sanctuary for our extended service. we worked hard this year to make the service flow well, plan out all transitions, and make sure we stuck to a timed schedule. the choir sang two songs and i thought they were fabulous. then there were two videos taken from www.sermonspice.com (i love this site) to help drive home some points, and two duets (The Glory by Avalon and Redeemer by Nicole C. Mullen - both FABULOUS easter songs) that i had made ppt slides for - and both very effective, I think. the Lord's Spirit was absolutely present and it was great to spend an entire morning upstairs (no kids' rehearsal!). the service concluded with a baptism service where 8 people shared testimonies and got dunked. i can't think of a better day to baptize people than easter - what a beautiful demonstration of the gospel. after the service we shared an easter dinner with friends - i brought the carbs!

so all in all, it was a great day.

this week is all about working towards the kids' musical. that deserves its own post later.
till then, here's an interesting blog i found...nothing like some emergent nazarene controversy!

1 comment:

beholdhowfree said...

sounds like you had a special easter. cool that you found emergent nazarenes too. i have been browsing that blog for a while now.