Tuesday, May 1, 2007

please, please don't bore a hole in my skull!!

i had a great weekend at home celebrating my 27th birthday. we took leo to the dog park, kept him from impregnating a pug who was apparently in heat, tried to keep him and sam (my parents lab) separate as sam decidedly hates leo, and enjoyed a lot of good family times.

the best part (or scariest, you decide) of the day was our meal at Macaroni Grill, only the best italian chain restaurant known to mankind. we were all together except ken (we missed you ken!) and rachael and i were sitting across from each other. my mom spilled the beans that we were celebrating birthdays (rae's was april 15th) and so we knew a waitress would come and sing happy birthday to us in italian, b/c that's what they do there. so sure enough, here comes a lady at the end of the meal and she says "i would like to sing happy birthday to you in italian, don't worry i'm not that really loud girl you heard before" (which was good b/c that girl was crazy insane loud and 'pitchy' - as randy jackson loves to say). we were relieved. loud girl would have been bad, but soft girl - she looked sweet and this could be nice.


soft girl began to sing...and immediately morphed into 'fiercely intense staring girl' who sang the slowest version of happy birthday i have ever heard (Taaaaannntiii Auguuuuuurrrriiiii Aaaaa Teeeeeee....) while boring holes into our skulls - one phrase she would stare at me, the next phrase, stare at rae. it was like she was trying to read our minds. you couldn't break eye contact it was so intense and really you were just very afraid. the only way i could deal with this overwhelming fear of fiercely intense staring girl was to crack up hysterically - but how could you laugh during her song?!?!?! i think that song went on for about 14 minutes. every time she turned and locked eyes with rachael i almost fell to pieces. my husband tried his best to elbow me into non-laughter, but it wasn't working. in the middle of the song that doesn't end, i decided i wouldn't laugh if i wasn't staring at her. so i tried her forehead. didn't work. next phrase, i tried to study my chocolate cake. again, didn't work.

i have no idea how i didn't just burst out laughing. must have been the holy spirit or something b/c i probably would have ruined her self esteem forever. but the second she walked away rachael and i looked at each other and just lost it. i was crying from laughing so hard. or maybe i was crying b/c my eyes and soul felt violated. either way, it was a memorable experience.

i am never telling them its my birthday again.

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